The team gives a collective Badass Boast - and the thing does a take at the camera, then disappears back from whence it came. The epilogue has the team coming off another mission and are discussing late-night meal plans when an insectoid abomination/ Evil Overlord suddenly materializes in the middle of the street. And the Adventure Continues: In the "Good" and "Best" endings, we see that the members of the Unavowed are still out there, fighting supernatural threats as a team.Mandana is Irish on her Fiery Redhead mother's side and a blue-skinned Jinn on her father's - she has brown skin, black hair, and wears a hijab, so Jinns in this case seem more than just culturally related to people of Middle Eastern descent.
Ambiguously Brown: The male Player Character has light brown skin and dark curly hair, but your background beyond that is never specified.Naturally the tone and nature of the game allows you to comment on this. Amazing Technicolor Population: Mandana's father, Kalash, being a full-blooded Jinn, has blue skin.Though whether a knowledge spirit counts as a demon is somewhat unclear. Further subverted when it turns out you were playing as the demon (or rather, daimon) the whole time, who didn't exactly approve of the bloodshed, meaning that not all of them are inherently evil. The one that possessed your character however appears to have done so with a purpose, making it a subversion.

Always Chaotic Evil: Demons are said to operate on this, causing havoc by dealing with humans.Actor Allusion: Logan Cunningham plays Logan invoked Brown - after having played another hero with a floating, zany sidekick in Primordia (2012), also published by Wadjet Eye.
Vicki, on the other hand, is a Badass Normal, and a crack shot with a handgun. Her strength also lets her climb, run, and jump considerably faster and farther than any normal human. She's a deadly swordswoman and can use her scimitar to physically pry open locked doors and vents. Mandana, being half-Jinn, is the team's physical muscle. All of these, along with a spirit of art, can be summoned to aid the party during The Very Definitely Final Dungeon. Various other creatures end up covering water, ice, wood/nature, and darkness. Or horribly right, since he was just trying to keep himself warm.